78 results for "Investing"

Embedded Finance Part III: Card-as-a-Service

What do Apple, DoorDash, Square, Cleveland Cavaliers, and Manchester United have in common? They all have their own credit cards.

Embedded Finance Part II: Banking Enablers and Banking-As-A-Service

Just as there are e-commerce enablers such as Shopify, Shopee, PayPal, Wix.com, there are a growing number of banking enablers in the finance world. Banking enablers focus on providing the technological aspect of banking services, so their clients can concentrate on acquiring and serving customers.

Embedded Finance Part V: Insurance-as-a-Service

In the past, financial services have always been provided by what we customarily think of as financial institutions — banks, credit card companies, even insurance companies. However, it’s become increasingly common for non-financial companies to become the distributors of financial services, thanks to embedded finance, AKA finance enablers.

Intro to FinTech Enablers & Embedded Finance

Industries develop over time and when they mature, they tend to become more specialized. That’s what is currently happening with the FinTech industry and financial service in general. It’s entering a new phase of division and specialization.

Embedded Finance Part VI: Compliance-as-a-Service and Custody-as-a-Service

Arguably the most important part of enabling companies to provide financial services.

All About DAO (Part V): DAO Infrastructure and Tools

The last part of our DAO series contains the tools that are currently most often used by DAOs. Since there is no hierarchy in the voting aspect of DAOs, members rely on computer programs to carry the weight. The top three social media apps (Discord, Twitter, and Telegram) that came on top didn't raise any eyebrows but the fourth one did.

All about DAO (Part IV): Strengths & Weaknesses of DAO

Previously in our piece about DAO as an Investment Vehicle, based on Headline Asia’s research, there are about 240 active DAOs worldwide, which is a 100 percent increase from 2020. Ideally, DAO could be a perfect substitution for all the existing organizational structures.

All About DAO (Part III): DAO as an Operational Project

As decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) continue to gain steam around the world, numerous use cases for these organizations also continue to emerge. Last time, we examined DAOs that are run as investment vehicles. This time, we will share all about operation DAOs that are completely reinventing the wheel when it comes to running projects — or companies.

All About DAO (Part II): DAO as Investment Vehicles

Last time, we broke down what exactly Decentralized Autonomous Organizations are, AKA DAOs. In this piece, we’re going to take you further on the journey of understanding the concept of DAOs and all the different varieties there are.

All About DAO (Part I): Decision Making in a Decentralized World

In this series, we will compare different types of DAO with specific examples, examine the difference between DAO and traditional organizations in a deep analysis, clarify some misunderstandings, and explore the future potential of DAO, so be sure to stay tuned.

A Conversation With Akihiko Okamoto

We’re thrilled to announce that Akihiko Okamoto will be joining our Tokyo office as our new Partner at Headline in Asia. A little background on Mr. Okamoto is that he was the former Executive Officer in charge of R&D of Recruit Holdings.

Landscape Map: Bookkeeping becomes understandable

Written by Jonathan Userovici